Oct. 4 2017 | HispanicizeLA // A Networking Convention for Aspiring Media Contributors |

The hotel appeared as a luxurious island in the midst of the LA traffic, popular news media vehicles parked in front of the building with the noticeable rushed box filled goodies into the structure by Facebook representatives. A social media convention hosted at the Lion Hotel for aspiring journalists and well-known media contributors for networking purposes attracted five-second pitches and anxious sweating.

"People will tear you apart, the world is like that," said Elizabeth Espinosa, KTLA 5 news reporter.

Espinosa touched base on the idea of taking the initiative on creating connections from the readers of portraying the story and using the content as the derivative of the reader's attention. The story is necessary, the platform published in is of little importance.

All the basics are needed, and the fancy new digital factors will be of later justice.

"We are students of life," added Espinosa, "Take initiative."

The discouragement of critiques in decision making with publishing a story, the content and platform choice, will be there and it's necessary. It creates a significance for ownership of the published story and the role in which an individual is in or aspires to acquire.

Throughout the day of news media exposure and free goodies from sponsoring companies: Facebook, Telemundo, United, Starkist, Microsoft, etc.

The idea of self-enhancement and branding yourself became an ongoing message from invited panelists.

"You have to be the apple tree, not the apple," said Eddie Garcia, a YouTube comedy star.

Garcia stressed the importance of knowing your abilities, the strengths any individual has regarding audio, video, or writing capabilities. Once identified according to Garcia, start understanding the creative ways of pitching ideas in the specific area.

"Quality will improve over time," said Garcia.

The effort of knowing yourself and building the courage to start initiating creativity in content becomes far more critical than the platform in which it's published.

Garcia discussed targeting and attracting the right audience since they are the reason the published media is there in the first place. Sticking to the brand, you create so the targeted audience remain and continue to feed off of the content.

A disc on repeat, the topics of authenticity versus quality set the discussion for the remainder of the event in the palace of media contributors.

The question set to the attendees at the end of the night ended on self-reflection:
"Why am I doing this? Why are you doing this?"

HispanicizeLA information: 

Guest Panelists: 


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