Oct. 12 2017 | "What If" // Personal Growth Journal Entry #1 |

What If? What if I deleted a social media account that I visited frequently? What if I decided to dedicate the time to work on projects of interest? What if I got help for a delayed issue that has gotten worse over the years? What if I acted for my interests and valued myself as an individual, mainly as a 20-year-old latina student living on her own with two jobs?

What if-- I do.

Personal growth is an idea which is ongoing for people, but the interpretation of self-enhancement varies; the "Übermensch" is the light at the end of the tunnel for everyone after all.

Thoughts ground us, the precaution of taking a leadership role is frightening, and we begin to fall under the herd to which we become a follower and the insecurity of our ideas become apparent.

Steve Jobs, the turtleneck enthusiast, valued the idea of using the "What if audit." It influenced creative thinking and allowed for boundaries to diminish when it came to the design of the Apple products.

Now, besides his fashion sense; Steve Jobs is known as a successful entrepreneur and leader in innovative technology design because of this ideology.

What stops us from personal growth? It isn't easy as just adding "What If" to every day thought process.

Emotions are the answer, mostly guilt.

A psychologist at school, whom I visited the other day, mentioned the idea of acknowledging emotions. Sadness, anger, guilt, happiness, the list is endless; take courage in them.

The mind detoxifies with emotions especially in traumatic times; you are be ridding the toxic factors.

Crying is okay, a vast amount of energy is dedicated to the act of releasing tears, but the purity that it brings to the body is impressive.

Relative to purifying and accepting change, the mind works with creating thoughts in the process. An open door to unwelcomed dark ideas and distress.

It falls along with the guilt emotion, creating a hardship on past actions or the new decision-making process which may push people away.

Belittling your well-being is normal, and it's a denial of accepting the traumatic events, the emotional and physical drainage which occur.

The error done by individuals is allowing the acceptance of the deprivation to be "what we are," "who we are," and "what we will be for the rest of our lives."

Once the emotions are detached from the personhood, the "What If" becomes easy.

The idea of managing our pathway of life becomes accessible to us, and opportunities for self-enhancement appear left to right.

I encourage reading up on various self reflection articles or books, individuals need to use their visual learning for graphics and text-- we need more readers in society.

Articles for Personal Development:

The Power of 'What If' - Mike Myatt

Sometimes It's Okay to Only Move Away From Something - Kris Gage

3 Ideas That Shape the Direction of Your Life - Zat Rana


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