Oct. 13 2017 | Vulnerability & Feminism // Brianna Perez Profile |


A 20-year-old creative enthusiast and aesthetic seeker, Brianna Perez, enjoys the company of passionate people on her off days from a labor-intensive schedule at a local juice bar.
The loyalty she holds in tackling work responsibilities on a daily basis is equivalent to the awareness of personal social media accounts, especially keeping up with La Habra residents film and photography work. Both of these visual hobbies: film and photography, resonate with Perez's way of reinforcing the values of relationships, either romantic or familial.

In a brief interview, Perez talked about vulnerability, body image, and the feminist movement. 

What does vulnerability mean to you?

"It means something along the lines of exposing yourself in an uncomfortable way."

"It's a pure form and uncomfortable, there you go."

Have there been any moments that you have felt this way? Whether if it's regarding relationships or in the work field?

"I feel uncomfortable when my boyfriend and I have intimate moments. It's weird but i'm comfortable with the light off, it's not any insecurity towards my body but I know I can be better. I can work out and be toned."

"I guess it can be an insecurity."

Do you feel this body image pressure is apart of feeling vulnerable on a daily basis when going out or such?

"Sometimes I feel like when I'm wearing something more revealing. I feel people staring at me and I get a weird tingly feeling. I can't wear what I want without feeling someone is staring at me basically."

So I've had a discussion about Feminism and the idea of women being put into a pressured position to meet up to certain standards: image or choices. Do you think about this when you have the subconscious body image thoughts?

"My partner pushes me to be healthier and not for the image of looking thin so I don't feel the pressure from personal relationships. I feel it more when I see other women looking fit."

Do you think the body positivity movement reinforces this thought process of body image being a priority? Does it exclude certain women?

"I do believe it excludes women sometimes, they say 'oh why do you need body positivity when you literally look like the models in the picture'. I definitely think body positivity is the way you see yourself. There is people that claim that no matter how you look like you look good."

"When I see beautiful women and then they show how their body doesn't meet up to the idealistic looks, it makes me feel better because it shows how real and beautiful they are as a person."

"I feel that people who are all for body positivity and exclude women in the movement are not good examples of the purpose of the movement." 

What do you think about feminism?

"I had a conversation with someone about this actually, and I said all women should be feminists. This girl disagreed with me and they said because they are not super crazy about it that it was their reason of not being a feminist. I told them that it was irrelevant."

"There is super religious people and that doesn't mean they can only be Christians, you know."

"I still like shaving, I still like being submissive in a relationship and I'm a feminist. Just like someone who wants to grow out their hair and be dominant, they can be a feminist."

Do you think social media and extremely aggressive individuals shaped this stereotype and influenced this person to believe that?

"It goes back to the point of a group of people not representing the message of a certain movement. Our point is just to be the same as everybody, the point of feminism is equal opportunities. We are 'equalists' and want things to be fair."

What do you think are ways in empowering oneself when there is pressure especially with feeling vulnerable?

"It's hard for me to say because i'm not at the point of being optimistic or putting myself in a good environment/vibe. I'm sure its different for everybody."

"I don't think there is a one way to do it and it sucks but I think that's the good part of it, having to go through [vulnerability] to know that you don't want to go back to how you were with everything."


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