Feb. 02 2018 | Roller Skating // Zoe Alcalde Profile |

Sacramento native, Zoe Alcalde, adjusts to the sunny and busy streets of Long Beach, transitioning her Bay Area life to So-Cal living.
Her long-awaited move has given her an insight into the new cultures that are prominent on the beach side of the LA area.

The prominent cultures that Long Beach is known for revolves around the terminology of street sports: skateboarding, and rollerskating.

In regards to rollerskating, the participation in a sport with rising popularity can be seen along the streets of Long Beach.
It can be seen on the paved pathways through Belmont Shore Beach or the uneven sidewalks of the traffic-heavy 7th street.

A famous rollerskating club, the Moxi Skate team, has been featured in media platforms like Youtube and is well-known among the rollerskating community.

"Way more people [roller] skate here for sure," states Zoe.

Alcalde recognizes the difference in the physical environment when it comes to skating on the streets. Its far easier to skate on the streets compared to San Francisco's uphill and wonky trails. The beach in San Francisco also doesn't contain a smooth pavement as Long Beach beaches contain.

Yet, Alcalde acknowledges where this inspiration of rollerskating took place, in San Francisco.

She had a class assignment to complete, and it pertained to the idea of rollerskating, this class assignment inspired her to partake in the "street sport."

"We went to Church of Eight Wheels, and I got my very own roller skates," says Alcalde in short.

Although Alcalde is kicking off her fame in rollerskating, she has caught attention from the indie
band musician, Brooks Nielsen. The singer of The Growlers, a band, formed in Dana Point in 2006.

Zoe was practicing dropping in a skate bowl as her friend Kiara recorded her on her iPhone.
In the distance, Alcalde noticed a figure staring at her as she dropped in and waited to take a turn in dropping in with a skateboard.

The figured seem to have the same visage to Brooks Nielsen, but Zoe dismissed such conclusion, "I noticed she [Kiara] wasn’t focusing on me. Then, I told her that there was a guy that was trying so hard to look like Brook Nielson. Then, she was like that is him," states Zoe.

Alcalde plans on making rollerskating a routine and sticking to her weekly routine of hitting the streets with her skates while attending school to pursue a career in fashion design.

Zoe's Social Media: 
Instagram: @z6packlove


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