FEB 22, 2019: Thriving yet barely surviving
The power of the mind, and the 'teeter totter' of the soul.
"if you are ruled by mind you are a king; if by body, a slave"
- Cato the Elder
Yes, the mind is power.
Blog Post drafted on Feb. 08, 2019:
To dictate if this power is for good or bad, you need to look at certain factors: the thoughts circulating in your mind, and the current perception of your life.
Reflecting on these power of defining factors has created a conflict with my interaction with people. I have a huge issue and personal dilemma with people asking me, "How are you?".
Usually, it takes a minute for a direct answer to trickle out of my lips.
But even then, I question the answer right after I respond.
"Do I really R E A L L Y feel this way?"
I ask myself.
I ask myself.
Just recently, a wave of sadness built up into my soul.
Graduation in three months, a loss of a co-worker, and past sexual assault traumas circulate in the overworking mind of mine.
The twist on this emotional rollercoaster is that I also am content with my life right now. I have people that surround me with positive energy which is soothing and reassuring and for that, I'm so grateful.
So, I DESPISE answering to the question of my current state of mind, body, and soul.
But, it doesn't mean that I'm opposed to people asking me.
The issue I have with myself is being vulnerable and "transparent".
To this day, I have a hard time communicating about my feelings and mind which ruins friendships and relationships for me.
This past month, as I tried to compose myself into getting back on my feet emotionally and mentally. Coworkers, friends, and family repeatedly wondered why I was isolating myself or being "standoffish".
To some extent, it annoyed me.
But, they were right. I needed to be vulnerable and embrace it.
So here I am, responding to the blog post I drafted on February 8, 2019 (orange text). Since I did exactly what I was doing with everyone in not posting it.
I was and I am avoiding myself.
To be honest, I currently feel sad, confused, and heartbroken with no recollection of why.
I just feel it in my gut and I think it's valid to feel this way with no reason.
The issue I have with myself is being vulnerable and "transparent".
To this day, I have a hard time communicating about my feelings and mind which ruins friendships and relationships for me.
This past month, as I tried to compose myself into getting back on my feet emotionally and mentally. Coworkers, friends, and family repeatedly wondered why I was isolating myself or being "standoffish".
To some extent, it annoyed me.
But, they were right. I needed to be vulnerable and embrace it.
So here I am, responding to the blog post I drafted on February 8, 2019 (orange text). Since I did exactly what I was doing with everyone in not posting it.
I was and I am avoiding myself.
To be honest, I currently feel sad, confused, and heartbroken with no recollection of why.
I just feel it in my gut and I think it's valid to feel this way with no reason.
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