NOV 03, 2016: Divination

The Meaning of Divination

The ways of self-reflection and knowledge of our being. 

By yours truly, Karla.

                                                                                       Headshot taken by Lola Olvera


This past week, reality hit (once again).

I allowed the previous week to dictate my mood and mindset, unfortunately.

Leading to the dismissal of the freelance job I had and the absence of my Tuesday classes.

Let's say, high school angst set in the mind of 21-year-old Karla which eventually led to an incident on Tuesday morning, Nov. 3.

I remember the mirror reflection illuminating the dark thoughts revolving in my mind at the time of the incident.

At the moment, pity for myself became draining.

I need to change and let go of dreadful memories, I thought. Period.

That Tuesday evening, I set a list of day-to-day responsibilities and tasks that revolve around my personal interests. Then, I set them aside to visit two best friends of mine, Arleen and Melissa.

Arleen brought comfort to the mess of thoughts which I shared on the 20-minute car ride to Melissa's home. We poked at the idea of "life" and the rationale people create in regards to happiness and success.

The most important human factor, Self-care, is the idea which we both concluded was often dismissed in this hot topic of life.

As the white bright moon set and the figures on the street blended with the darkness.

Arleen, Melissa, and I found ourselves at the local Barnes and Nobles.

Here we threw jokes around as if we were chucking snowballs at each other in the narrow halls of bookshelves. Although, the snowballs themselves were jokes pertaining to our personalities and interests.

After 10-minutes of inner child practice, Melissa trailed off and found herself loathing wide-eyed in the young adults and mystery bookshelves.

Arleen and I made our way to the spiritual section and traced with our fingers the several books about healing crystals and Tarot cards.

It's there that I picked up a Tarot card guide-book, proceeded to read it and admire the virtues of the practice itself.

My misunderstanding of Tarot came from films pertaining to witchcraft I saw growing up. 
Tarot cards had a bad reputation in my mind, almost as if they had a close association with black magic.

From the Tarot guidebook, I've learned that it's the complete opposite. These detailed cards lead to self-discovery and psychoanalysis practice.

The term "divination" in the 33rd page of the book caught my eye. Human beings love to know the future of their lives, specific details bring a chill to our spines since the comparison of the "now" to the future becomes a comfort. It gives a meaning to our reason for the efforts we put in the present day towards our career and life in general.

Although, Divination isn't that exactly. Divination is the act of knowing about the unknown but not the details of the future. The Tarot practice is for self-knowledge which becomes the true form of self-divination.

"Bear in mind too that 'divination' comes from the same root as 'divine', which brings to mind the idea of obtaining a more profound knowledge of the spiritual dimension of being". 

- "Essential Guide to the Tarot", David Fontana.

The Tarot is a new hobby which I found myself diving into and I love it.

The Tarot guide-book is something I pick up on a daily basis which has helped distract the dark thoughts and negativity that can radiate from my mind.
I've even found myself excited to wake-up, run, meditate, read, and carry on with adulting tasks.

It's brought a comfort to the idea of getting into the job seeking grind that I dread so much.

Hopefully, I can maintain the positive head space I find myself in despite the misfortunate events which occur.

Reminder to me, myself, and I: Everyone goes through shit, you aren't the only one. Don't forget
you are not alone when it can seem that way when you get too involved with your thoughts and emotions.


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