SEPT. 17 2018: All About the Past and the Present Except for the Future.
Analyzing emotions of the past Investigative journalism skills at it's finest. The picture was taken by @vkarinaxo By yours truly, Karla. "A mile away Several miles away Many miles away. Yet, it's all the same. Family intact. Fears remain. Doubts unchanged. Why do I keep running away? If I'm here, there and over there. Everything is the same." - KL 6/9/17 After hanging out with my "gal pals" on a Saturday evening. I dragged my body inside the car which I have driven since the age of 17. The four-door black Fiat with war wounds from unseen poles in parking structures is home to the memories of high school to the present day. Oliver, the three-year-old mom car, had housed the various trips I'd taken from Los Angeles to San Francisco. Memories of friendships and romantic partners that would raise the volume of their choice of music. The various...