AUG 25, 2018: Life Update

Where Have I Been? What Have I Been Up To Lately? An update on my life & the unfortunate events. By yours truly, Karla. A year ago I promised myself to remain creative. But, a year passed, and today I find myself relearning the idea of embracing creativeness. What happened in between today and the day I promised myself 364 days ago that resulted in me losing my liking of producing artsy content? I had fallen into a well of emotions from built up trauma. The universe had introduced me to the challenges that redirected my mind, body, and soul energy. Most of these issues were critical to my well-being. Self-hatred towards myself physically enticed me to introduce myself into eating disorders and excessive alcohol use in the midst of the physical issues. I hurt past friends emotionally unintentionally and eventually lost friends as well. My living situation throughout the year wasn't stable because of financial deprivat...